During web-development a lot of research takes place.

In the midst of all that, a lot of hooey has to be dug through to get to the good stuff. No, not that, good tutorials.

Sheesh, perverts.


  1. google.com - You'll end up using this a lot.
  2. w3schools.com/html - This is a core reference site for HTML.
  3. w3schools.com/css - This is a core reference site for CSS.
  4. validator.w3.org - This is a key HTML validation tool.
  5. jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ - This is a key CSS validation tool.
  6. smashingmagazine.com - Want the latest news on web development? Here you go. Like it? Sign up for their newsletter!
  7. stackoverflow.com - This site is for posting technical questions and getting responses. Here there be nerds. You have been warned.
  8. www.color-hex.com - Want to add some colour to your website? Here's how to get the hex colour codes.
  9. www.colorschemedesigner.com - Ok, this page is awesome. I may not need to include it but my inner Picasso died horribly in a tragic combine harvester incident some years ago so I need all the help I can get. Know yourself. Know your limits.
  10. styleguide.yahoo.com - Even though Yahoo officially pulled this down in June 2013, this link will warp you through time to the Oct 14, 2012 version in all it's useful glory.
  11. archive.org - Has your favourite site vanished? No. It hasn't. It's here. These digital historians take snapshots of popular websites and preserve them. You can search any site, any year, and get a look at the past glory of... Yahoo.ca from 2003?
  12. lipsum.com - Before you write your fancy words, toss in this automatically-generated placeholder content. It's latin gibberish that automatically looks like typed-out english, but has no meaning at all. So, rather than writing "I never copy & paste" a hundred times, you can copy & paste a chunk of this.
  13. Wireframing Tutorial - Know what Wireframing is? It's how to play a website layout. It's handy to learn and this link is a great start.
  14. reddit.com - This is where the internet eats your soul. But, gaze into this dark abyss and you will find the answer to any question you may have. Warning: Rule 34.
  15. lynda.com - Want to learn some digital wizardry? The heck with this BCIT razzamatazz! Hit up Lynda.com for tutorials on everything from web design to SQL to... macrame?

Got some you'd like to suggest? Well, I'm sick of the BCIT email interface so reach me via my gmail: TheTurtleMoves@gmail.com
